Fat Loss Starts With a Healthy Liver

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[Want To Go Straight To My Fat Loss Factor Video Review? Click Here Now]

If you’re like most people, you have some inches that you want to get rid of. And if you’re like most people who have tried to eliminate these unwanted inches, you’ve used numerous programs and you’ve tried out hundreds of tips.

You’ll do anything to turn your body into the shapely figure that you want it to be. You’ve done the special food fad diets with items that are expensive and sometimes weird.

You’ve mixed shakes until you’re sick of them. You’ve swallowed pills that claimed to help burn fat – but didn’t work. You’ve eaten some nasty tasting concoctions and gagged while choking them down.

Everything you’ve tried putting into your body to help has been to no avail. So you decided to go after the fat from the outside, too. You added exercise and sweated until you were exhausted and drenched.

You’ve even tried weight training to get rid of stubborn fat that just will not let go. The reason that this fat is still around is because just like the Fat Loss Factor program shows you, none of the methods you’ve tried address the reason why you’re still not losing the fat.

3 Reasons Why You Still Have Fatweight-loss-1207555_1920

Men and women alike want to lose fat because then they’ll have a better looking body, feel better and be able to fit into the clothes that they want to wear. They have plenty of willpower – but just not the right knowledge they need in order to make their goals happen.

You have an uphill battle and that battle is more difficult for women. One of the reasons that you’re having such a hard time shedding the fat is due to genetics. Your ancestors gave you the DNA that you have.

You got your eye color, your hair color, your build and even your possible health issues from them. But you also got the stubborn way that your body holds and stores fat from your ancestors.

Your genetics are to blame (or thank) for how you look. But when you’re born, you don’t have the ability to choose which people belong on your family tree.

These genetics are directly responsible for being the reason that one person will store fat in their hips and another in the buttocks.

Unfortunately for women, they kind of get a raw deal when it comes to genetics and fat. As a woman, your body isn’t going to be as light in the fat department as a man’s is. That’s because a woman’s body is naturally made to hold onto fat. It’s simply the way it is and you can’t change that, either.

Besides being naturally predisposed to have more fat than a man, a woman’s cells are not an ally when it comes to losing fat. Rather than being a helpful fat loss buddy, a woman’s cells work to hang onto that fat.

So when a woman tries to get rid of fat, her body has some roadblocks in place. Another reason that you still have fat is because of the way you eat when you try to get rid of fat.

Fad diets, which are also sometimes known as crash diets, work against your body.

Both men and women fall prey to the belief that these diets work. When you go on a diet that robs your body of the nutrition that it needs to survive, it’s going to fight back by slowing your metabolism and holding on for all its worth to the fat that it has for survival purposes.

You know that the fad diet isn’t forever and that one day you’re going to eat normally again, but your body doesn’t know this. So it’s keeping the fat in order to prevent you from starving to death – even though that’s not really an issue.

But that’s why crash diets aren’t good fat loss strategies. They do just the opposite. You may even see celebrities who go on weird fad diets and all of a sudden they’re parading around in bodies that look leaner.

Maybe for a short. But when you see them later, all of that weight lost is right back – and they have more fat than they did before they started their diet. You don’t want to put your effort into something that’s a waste of your time and unhealthy for your body – even if it is a short term crash diet.

Just as women carry more fat than men, they also have a greater struggle with fat loss because of estrogen. If you’re a woman, you may have wondered why – when you’ve tried so hard to work out and eat right – you still have not lost the fat.

That’s because estrogen works to prevent weight loss as well as fat loss. It causes your metabolism to slow down, making it more of a battle when you do attempt to lose. It’s also responsible for making sure that any fat in your body that goes into storage stays there.

All three of these things – genetics, wrong dieting, and estrogen – can play their part in working hard to keep you from losing fat.

Change Your Mindset About Fat Loss

You know that fad diets don’t work when it comes to losing fat. But what you might be unaware of is that not even healthy diets can make a difference in your body’s fat stores.

If you eat right, you might lose a few pounds, but eventually what always happens is you’ll simply stop losing weight – let alone losing any fat. You’ll step up whatever exercise you’re doing in an attempt to shake free of that plateau.

Yet still that fat clings. There’s a good reason for this. You check yourself, talk to others and think that what you need to do is to add some more water intake to your day.

Surely if you drink enough water, you’re going to finally see some fat loss victory. Maybe you can flush fat right out of your body. After all, that’s what some of the infomercials said.

But you down so much water that you’re getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. After a couple of weeks, you check your appearance in the full-length mirror and the only thing you lost is sleep from getting up in the middle of the night.

Upset, you decide that what you need to do is to up your protein intake. The protein will give you energy and it will help you lose some pounds. Surely along with that weight loss, you’ll also lose fat.

When that didn’t work, you figured that what you needed was more exercise – so back to the gym you go. You’re working out forty-five minutes to an hour every time you go. That just has to work.

Except it doesn’t and you don’t even realize that you’re right back on the same cycle that you were in the beginning. Diet. Exercise. If you’re not careful, you’re going to start looking once again for the next fad diet.

You feel this urge to keep trying – not only because you want to lose the fat – but because deep down inside, you know there must be an answer, there must be a way. And you’re right.

It’s time to change what you’ve always thought about fat loss. There is an answer and Fat Loss Factor can address your struggles as well as those questions that you have.

active-19413_1920How Your Liver’s Health Determines Your Fat Loss

This is why you need to change your mindset about fat loss. This is the reason that everything you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked. This is the reason that you know there are answers.

Because your body has been trying to tell you all along that you already have an organ that’s willing and able to help you lose the fat that you want gone. But at the same time, if you’re not treating it right, this same organ can cause you to hang onto fat because it can’t break those fats down correctly.

That organ is your liver. You might think that your liver is simply the organ within your body that helps to get rid of toxins. You’re right, that’s exactly what your liver does do.

You get toxins from the food you eat, from the air you breathe and from the products that you use on your body. Everyone deals with this and normally, your liver gets to work, cleans up these toxins and keeps working like it should.

But what happens is a lot of people fill their bodies with extra toxins. They overindulge in foods that are loaded with toxins. They’re not careful about what they breathe in.

They won’t even think twice about spraying a cleaner in a room and breathing in those droplets from the air. Or a friend comes over who happens to be a chain smoker. Hitting the bars every weekend, people might drink to excess.

While you might be happy with your routine and not think twice about it, the truth is that these extra toxins you’re allowing in your body are not only damaging your liver, but it’s limiting your liver’s ability to get rid of fat.

Your liver was made to get rid of fat and toxins. But its first priority is going to be keeping itself and your body free of harm. So guess what issues it’s going to tackle first?

The toxins. So it goes to work to get rid of those – but every time it makes any headway, more toxins are entered into the body. So your liver just keeps on trying and trying like it’s on a hamster wheel.

It’s no wonder that it doesn’t have time to fight the fat. In order to help your liver do its job, you have to get it where it’s healthy again and doesn’t have to focus all of its energy on toxins.

You have to do a total body cleanse. And if you’ve never done a cleanse for your liver before, you probably have a lot of toxins that you need to clear out of there. There are several ways that you can do a cleanse for your liver, but not all of them are a healthy way to detoxify.

The Natural Way to Restore Health to Your Liver

If you know anything about body cleanses, you know that there are all kinds of promises made. The catch is that you have to buy certain products. Maybe some cleansing shakes or powders.

Some cleanses suggest super zingy spices that they say are guaranteed to work. But they don’t work. They end up making you sick – and if you use enough of the spice, you can burn your taste buds.

Remember that when you’re trying to get an organ back to optimal health, you don’t want to ingest something that will hurt you in any way. So avoid things that aren’t natural.

Instead, use natural ways to restore health to your liver. There are some everyday ingredients in foods that you may have already tried before that can bind toxins.

These toxins can then be eliminated and stop causing your liver to work so hard. Once the toxins are eliminated, your liver is set free to work on losing fat. So what are some of these natural detoxifying foods?

Beets are one of them. Well known for their eye-catching color, beets don’t always make the list of things that many people like to eat. They do have a strong taste – but they’re an incredible detoxifying vegetable that can give your liver a healthy boost.

The only problem is that you do have to eat this vegetable raw to get all of the detoxification power it has. Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?”

This fruit not only keeps the doctor away, it keeps the toxins cleaned out. The pectin in apples is the ingredient that can get rid of those toxins and help your liver function better.

To get this help from an apple though, you will need to make sure you eat the peel of the apple. Looking at foods that act as a natural detoxifying helper, you want to check out whatever is green and leafy. These foods are great at giving your liver some aid.

Foods aren’t the only detoxifying items. Some liquids – such as green tea – also work as something that can naturally detoxify your liver. There’s a long list of different food items that you’ll want to know for getting your liver back to the place where it can help with fat loss.

The reason that it’s important to make sure your liver is healthy before you try to lose fat is that without it, you’ll fail. A liver that can’t metabolize fat can’t help you.

yoga-1812695_1280What You Need to Get Started and Succeed

You need to get rid of the toxins first before you do anything else. Even if you don’t want to lose fat, you should do this to help your liver. Next, you’ll want to learn about the right foods to eat that will help you metabolize fat and lose weight.

Once you’ve done the cleanse and have the hang of which foods to eat, you’ll want to add some exercise – but you want to make sure that you’re doing the kind of exercise for the length of time that you should do it.

Your life is made up of blocks of time and there’s no reason that you should give large chunks of your life over to the gym. Aim to work out for 15 minutes a day for just 3 days a week.

Since getting started on some new habits can make anyone feel a little unsure, use a food guide for when you’re not eating at home. There’s no reason why eating at your favorite restaurants can’t work with your fat loss goals rather than against them.

Set your fat loss goals in increments. In other words, make sure that you set yourself up for success from the start. Don’t make open-ended goals. Such as “I want to lose fifty pounds and noticeable fat.”

That’s not specific enough. Instead, make your goal something like, “I want to lose fifty pounds and noticeable fat in six months.”

It can be helpful to keep a record of your food and exercise. So start a journal for that. The reason that it can be helpful is because on days that you have little willpower and you haven’t seen a recent change in your body’s fat, you can look back at how far you’ve already come.

Finding recipes that help you lose fat can be beneficial and it can also be helpful to have someone that you can reach out to with questions or when you need some support. You can find all this and more with Fat Loss Factor.

For my full in depth review of Fat Loss Factor, watch the video below.


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Why Women Can’t Diet Like Men

[icegram campaigns=”658″] [Want To Go Straight To My The Venus Factor Video Review? Click Here Now] How many of you have gone through a process where you launch a diet alongside a man in your life? It might be a spouse, a sibling – even a group of coworkers.exercise-weight-woman-sport What often happens is the man sheds fat extremely fast – with much less effort, while you struggle to lose even 1-2 pounds a week, and hit more plateaus than you care to admit. It’s frustrating. The reason most women have trouble losing weight is because they’re trying to diet like a man. You’re not made like a man, so this doesn’t work. Weight loss isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. In fact, many women will find they have different weight loss struggles than their friends do. Grasping at Straws What usually happens is desperation kicks in. You’re so frustrated by your lack of success and the stagnant state you’re in that you jump on any trend you can find out about, such as: * Eating nothing but cabbage soup 24/7 * Gorging yourself on nothing but meat * Giving up everything in one food group * Not eating at all, but living off of water only as long as possible It’s all unsafe and will cause your body to fight back with an even bigger storage of fat (for survival) the minute you start eating normal foods again – because living on one of the extreme weight loss plans above isn’t a long-term option. When you’re out of options, and nothing’s working – what happens? Depression kicks in. John Barban of The Venus Factor talks about this in his video where he shares the touching story about his sister Lisa. He was able to take his own flabby body and morph it into something amazing, but his sister didn’t have the same results. He saw her sadness and actually did something about it, honing in on a single metabolism tip that finally helped turn her weight loss switch “on.” With himself and his guy friends, the solid advice that’s been around forever worked. He just had to apply it. But women are different – and no one was solving that one single issue – that one discrepancy that shattered the one diet fits all mindset. pexels-photo-136404The Biggest Loser – Doesn’t Have to Be You! Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser? Chances are, if you’ve struggled with dieting, you have. Maybe you did it to get motivated – to get that butt kicking speech the trainers give into your head. Maybe you thought seeing the 20-pound weekly weight loss numbers would help you. And it probably did … at first. But then you realize that’s the exception to the rule, and even on that TV show, the men were able to lose WAY more than the women did! It took John Barban two full years to find the solution for his sister. When he did uncover it, she lost 53 pounds in 5 months. That equals about 2.63 pounds a week – a nice, healthy weight loss. The secret isn’t found in Jillian Michaels yelling in your face. It’s a specific hormone that Barban pinpointed where women have it – but their bodies aren’t using it properly. Don’t you wish there was a simple on/off switch you could flip to make it work for you? Another interesting thing Barban found in his research was that when you literally go on a “diet” – where you’re cutting calories and depriving yourself of specific foods, your levels of that hormone plummet – faster and more than a man’s. Aren’t you lucky? Actually, now you are! Because once you know the problem – and you know it’s not willpower or some strategic fad diet or extreme exercise program – you’re empowered. Empowered weight loss is being informed and knowing how to find a solution. It’s not looking at your husband or boyfriend and feeling like a failure because you’re doing the same thing they’re doing and yet for you, the pounds aren’t coming off. Women Are Notorious for Yo-Yo Dieting Have you ever noticed that when a man and a woman diet, and they “fall off the wagon,” the woman’s weight piles on at extreme speeds and in huge amounts compared to how slow and insignificant in volume that a man’s comes back on? That’s all thanks to a woman’s specific hormone stores – the one that signals to your brain that it needs to go into survival mode and slow the engine down so that you’re not only not burning fat, but storing as much extra fat as possible. It sucks knowing you’re not living in the caveman era where your body might need that protection – and yet your body doesn’t know that. It just knows you were once eating ample amounts of food (and it liked it) and then you weren’t (and it made you drained of energy, irritable, and unhappy) – and now you’re eating again – so it’s going to save up for a rainy day. Yo yo dieting is when your weight starts high, drops to a nice low level, and rises back up again – and it’s so very dangerous for your body. It also makes it hard for you to lose weight again, so the longer you allow yourself to jump on and off the diet rain, the more long-term damage you’ll be doing – and you’ll find it hard to lose weight the next time around. You’re probably just thinking about aesthetics – about how you hate the cottage cheese look on your thighs. But get a bit deeper in the problem here. Yo yo dieting can: * Increase your risk of developing heart disease because your cells get damaged and can’t promote blood flow properly. * Ruin your metabolism * Increase your risk of cancer * Increase your risk of developing diabetes * Flood your body with cortisol (the stress hormone) * Ruin your arteries * Raise your LDL (bad cholesterol) And guess what? If you’ve yo yo dieted more than five times, you’re at an even BIGGER risk in your life. So now you’re panicking thinking you’re scared – because what if you go on another diet journey and fail again? That’s what Barban is working to help women avoid with The Venus Factor. Watching his sister go through it, he initially created this system just to help his loved one – but of course, it’s now helping women worldwide stop the crazy diet train and have long-term weight loss success instead. Some women – Moms in particular, have an even tougher time. If you’re a Mom, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You love your kids. But an unfortunate fact that Barban reveals is that women who have been pregnant have it even worse when it comes to their bodies hanging onto fat for stored energy! The Solution Isn’t Starvation You’ve already gone that route – the overly restricted calories, the insane workout schedule. By the time you’re done draining your body of energy, you couldn’t even enjoy the weight loss if you wanted to. If you diet alongside a man in your life, then you might get worse with your extreme desperation. You’re sitting there seeing him effortlessly lose weight, so you might even get down to 500 calories and a 2-hour workout. You might see your hair start to fall out if you do this. Your muscles get weaker, not stronger. Your blood pressure plummets to dangerously low levels. You feel weak and can’t muster up the energy to complete day-to-day tasks. The Venus Factor isn’t about starvation and killing yourself on the treadmill. It’s about looking at one specific hormone in a woman’s body as this huge unused resource – and he shows you how he helped his sister tap into hers. The system is designed to work over the span of 12 weeks. There isn’t a horrid food restriction list where you can’t have this and can’t have that favorite food. That sets you up to fail right away. You will find out which foods trigger fat storage – and it’s a surprising list because all you’re thinking is “donuts” or “chocolate,” but you have to understand how your body works – it’s odd which foods it uses to convert into a “fat net” of sorts. This is more about the one thing you have to add to your body to ignite your metabolism. It’s kind of like firing up a grill – you have the coals already there, but without the match, nothing will happen. During his research, Barban discovered an herbal connection that helps your body use that hormone stored in your body to fight fat. But most women don’t even know about it. active-19413_1920Like Spot Training for the Body Spend about 5-10 minutes looking at your body in the mirror. Name the top two areas where fat piles up most. For women, it’s often the stomach, thighs, or buttocks. There’s no exercise that helps you spot train where you can lose weight in those specific areas. But there is a way to shed fat in the places where your body likes to store it most. Not only is there no exercise to help you spot train, but every woman has a unique physical makeup that can help or hurt them whenever they follow one of those “one size fits all” programs. When you’re signed up for The Venus Factor, you have a built in virtual trainer that takes your specific data and creates a plan that works best for you. There are no weekly weigh in meetings or budget crushing frozen meal plans you have to pick up from your local center each week. Barban doesn’t just go into the hormone and herbal tips. He points out how the workout routines women do – well, they’re also designed for … men! It’s like the whole diet industry was created for men, by men – and everyone just assumed that women could apply the same concepts and get the same results. We all know that’s not true. A woman’s body stores fat differently. It also burns fat differently. Your husband isn’t sitting there with cottage cheese thighs – he might have a unique issue, like man boobs or flabby arms. You have to go with a program that’s designed specifically for a woman’s hormones and body type. Those long, hard workouts that men like to do at the gym? They’re NOT RIGHT for women. Yet you’ve been putting your body through that year after year as you struggle to shed pounds and get the figure back that you desire. It’s time for you to take full advantage born out of one brother’s love for his sister. Look into what John Barban did for Lisa and then get the relief you need to help you stoke the fat loss fires once and for all.


For my full in depth review of The Venus Factor, watch the video below.

 shredding diet for females

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